“Thanks Jenny and the team
for sharing the power of the horses
and giving our children a voice to replace the hurt
with love and joy.
There is a power in the collective and coming together, sharing, moving forward with the same intentions.
We offer a variety of group programs targeting different age and focus groups, providing a safe space to unfold, linking the strengths of a group to grow into your full potential.
We are also able to design a program for specific needs and interests - get in touch with your idea!
Keteparaha - Life’s Tool Kit
Trust - Resilience - Respect - Boundaries - Responsibilities - Relationships - Self-Care - Healthy Internal Dialogue - Cultural Sensitivity
Fill your Keteparaha - your life toolbox with new knowledge, skills and insight through interacting and learning with our horses.
Let them show you resourceful perspectives, so that whatever life challenges you with, you have tools to find your way through them, staying grounded, balanced and clear minded.
“Selfie”- youth program
Improving resilience and strengthening self-worth principles.
We offer children’s and young adult programs, creating a supportive environment to learn and experience essential life skills, giving guidance for the obstacles that come with growing up.
Women’s Circle
There is something about women sitting together in a circle, connecting in a heart space, sharing, expressing, growing…Being able to do this with a herd of horses who bring their own wisdom to the paddock makes this a unique and special time for self-worth.
A 12-week program working with tamariki with sexual behaviour problems.
1. Being Safe - What that looks like?
2. Healthy Relationship Principles - for yourself, your family and community.
3. Responsibility in Relationships
4. Maintaining Safety
5. Maintaining Healthy Relationships
6. Reflective Thinking
7. Emotions in Motion
8. Mutual Understanding
9. Detrimental Affects
10. Talking the Talk & Walking the Walk
11. Walking the Path
12. Last but never least!